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Looking for people from India for free, men

Looking for people for free communication? MeetingLand is a great place to look for people from India to chat with, make new friends and meet them in person. Men.

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A unique person
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Harsh Vardhan at free online dating site

A unique person
 135 lb
I am very sincere and caring person, I always take care of others happiness, respect their's thinking & motivate/love to those who need it. I am prou...
Looking for: My partner should best nature who never go off from her words, never live me in lurch & specially who is incredible & love me like anyone in this worl...
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Alone heart
 126 lb
Well. . .i'm Ayush and my name means a blessed person lol, which I never have been. I try my level best to mAke others happy and cheerful while i'm wi...
Looking for: Someone honest, caring, loyal and trustworthy!: )
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All love is sweet
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 135 lb
Important: till today nothing happen
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hi this is bala..u can call as j...i love people to meet and chat with them....i like cool things...and then love cricket,....and some other sports......
Looking for: to ba good,charm...and nothing important
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Raoul at free online dating site

The best and most beautiful things in the
world can be only felt with the heart
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Important: Life is all abt strikin the balance...never make smthng so imprtnt that all others become unimprtnt!
I have a new one amost everyday...!!!
I find the idea of describing myself highly obnoxious, kinda lyk trying to sell myself, which m not particularly fond of...So I'll just quote these li...
Looking for: The fact that m here means that I haven't got that one ffigured out yet..But m a man of passion and conviction and I will know it wen I see it...Just ...
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Alone heart
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Attractive and full of surprises
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People tell i`m great......... i`m not sure about...u can check
Looking for: beautiful,romantic,intelligent and good
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