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Women looking for men free, Russia

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Important: family, friends
I'm sociable, generous, kind and flexible person. I love my family very much. I'm looking for a man for serious relationships, those who want web-se...
Looking for: Kind, generous, taller than me, intelligent, clever, slim,
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Mysterious and oboyatelnaya girl. I have an opinion, good taste, style, elegance, vulnerability and wisdom. I like smart and funny people. I hate nerd...
Looking for: Normal and adequate man, not boring :)))), kind, sincere, loving children and animals, generous, oboyatelnogo, attractive, intelligent, caring. I do n...
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At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet
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привлекат 77;льная девчен&#...
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Love and Respect
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Looking for new feelings... :-)
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Looking for: responsible, a decent and easy-going
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Important: family
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Be with me honest...
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Looking for: õî÷ó, ÷òîá ïîíèìàë ìåíÿ ñ ïîëóñëîâà,êàê áûâàåò...òîëüêî íà÷íåøü ôðàçó, à îí óæå ïîíÿë î ÷åì ÿ...î÷åíü õîðîøåå ÷óâñòâî þìîðà è óìåþùåãî ïðèçíàâàòü ñâîè...
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People live for each other
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Important: Çäîðîâàÿ, ñ÷àñòëèâàÿ ñåìüÿ
Îáû÷íàÿ äåâóøêà)))Ñïîêîéíàÿ,âåñåëàÿ (âðåìåíàìè ñåðüåçíàÿ).Íå õâàòàåò îáùåíèÿ,ïîãîâîðèòå ñî ìíîé(((
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Important: family
Hello,I'm Irina and I'm from Moscow. My lifetime dream is to become English and French teacher and to have a big family. In people I appreciate honest...
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Important: Õîòåëîñü áû ìèð ñäåëàòü ñ÷àñòëèâûì)))
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Let's meet each other and have
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Important: Ñåìüÿ, âåðíîñòü, çäîðîâüå,ëþáîâü,ñ÷àñòüå
Âñòðåòèòü òîãî ñàìîãî...
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Looking for: Èùó ìóæ÷èíó-äðóãà è ìîæåò áûòü ëþáîâíèêà). ×åëîâåêà, êîòîðûé ëþáèò è öåíèò æèçíü, ó êîòîðîãî åñòü â íåé ñìûñë. Äîáðîãî, âåðíîãî, óìåþùåãî ëþáèòü,çàáîò...
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Catch me if you can :-)
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I am gentle and oboyatelny scarlet flower. I am a conservative, but at the same time vzbalovannaya and fragile. I combine the best qualities of this w...
Looking for: Actually I'm looking for a serious relationship and want to find a man who will light up my my my life, with which I will konfortno and well. I plan S...
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To be or not to be?..
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1.Responsibility 2.honesty 3.professionalism 4.creativity, music, beauty, nature 5. compassion/betrayal 6. "As you sow, so shall you reap" 7. Partner ...
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Æèâó ÿ õîðîøî, ÷åãî è Âàì æåëàþ!
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At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet
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Important: to have a country house
I was born and lieve in Moscow.I don't feel that I am already 52.I am very kind and frankly.I am polite and good aducated.I am merry and like humor.I ...
Looking for: Smart and reliable man.With a scence of humor.Age is not matter but better elder than me.I can't accept lie and roughness .I am not a sponsor and don'...
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