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Women looking for men free, Russia

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Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+

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I'm a very sweet person
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Aquarius-bull . horoscope match 98%
Looking for: direct in conversation, honest in life .
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I will meet like-minded people
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 115 lb
 Green Gray
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Important: Love, family, traveling
Hi! I do yoga, fitness and self-knowledge. I believe in God. I believe in love. I am kind, caring, sincere, cheerful, self-sufficient. I like to go to...
Looking for: Looking for a man with similar interests and plans for life. Especially appreciate the man's commitment and honesty. I will be ready to support such m...
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I am looking for someone really serious,
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I am looking for someone really serious,
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ïðèâëåêàòåëüíàÿ, äîáðàÿ, óìåþùàÿ ëþáèòü
Looking for: äîáðûé, ÷åñòíûé, ñèìïàòè÷íûé
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I hope to meet you!!!
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Important: l'armonia nell'anima
trovare l'amore reciproco
Ho autosufficiente, attiva, curiosa, romantica, allegra, amo camminare a san Pietroburgo una, e allo stesso tempo sento abbastanza comodo, perché...
Looking for: Mi sforzo di non trovare marito, e un uomo vicino a me nello spirito. Io so amare e accettare la persona così com'è - come un fenomeno natur...
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All love is sweet
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 124 lb
Important: честность
ищу мужчину для создания...
L ooking for: не пьющий и не курящий
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Let's make a date and see where it goes
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Important: find mutual love
I want to find mutual love
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Clever and beautiful woman
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 93 lb
 Green Brown
привлекат 77;льная девчен&#...
Looking for: сильный мужествен 85;ый оч&...
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Elena at free online dating site

Looking for new feelings... :-)
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 155 lb
 Blue Gray
Important: a family
humorous, sociable, independent
Looking for: responsible, a decent and easy-going
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Elena at free online dating site

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 111 lb
Important: family
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 Green Gray
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To be or not to be?..
 188 lb
1.Responsibility 2.honesty 3.professionalism 4.creativity, music, beauty, nature 5. compassion/betrayal 6. "As you sow, so shall you reap" 7. Partner ...
Looking for: 1. Kind, reliable, interesting, attractive, intelligent 2. Yes. 3. Athletic. 4. +35 5. Rudeness, cruelty.
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Let`s have fun together!!!!
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 Blue Gray
Æèâó ÿ õîðîøî, ÷åãî è Âàì æåëàþ!
Looking for: Ñîáåñåäíèêà ñ õîðîøèì ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà.
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I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
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Important: ãàðìîíèÿ
áûòü âî âñåì ãàðìîíè÷íîé
ß ïðèâëåêàòåëüíàÿ,îáàÿòåëüíàÿ,îïòèìèñòè÷íàÿ è íîðìàëüíàÿ.
Looking for: Ñðåäíåãî âîçðàñòà ìóæ÷èíó, æåëàþùåãî ðàçäåëèòü ñâî¸ âðåìÿ è æèçíü íà ïîïîëàì.
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Let's create the best world together
 122 lb
 Blue Gray
Important: harmony
I'll just answer the questions proposed: 1. I'm kind and calm and romantic, but don't have rose-coloured spectacles. 2. I can be proud of my job and...
Looking for: My person should have sense of humour, kind and gentle character, care about food and body and house and car and smth like falling snow or music of th...
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Elena at free online dating site

I`d like to be charmed with you!
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 151 lb
 Blue Gray
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Important: my famaly
I dream of a cottage by the sea or river, near the forest, be close to nature.Where ñîld rest′
I am calm, kindhearted, honest, attractive, romantic, easy-going. kind, affectionate, hard-working, sociable, intelligent, cheerful, friendly, s..y, t...
Looking for: I would like to meet a man ,who is 45-51 old. he should be reliable,kind,supoortive,dood--hear ted,affectionate,popuseful, could support in a difficul...
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You are only mine, I`m only yours
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 137 lb
 Blue Green
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I need a man to show me how a
woman deserves to be treated
 120 lb
Important: Æèçíü
Áûòü ñ÷àñòëèâîé
Ñïîêîéíàÿ, íå èñòåðè÷íàÿ.
Looking for: Çàáîòëèâîãî è âíèìàòåëüíîãî
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Glad to meet you and make your smile
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Important: Family
Learn Korea language
Kind,community,merry.Like music,theatre,books,films,sea.
Looking for: Optimistic,self-reliant.
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Want romantic serious relationship
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Important: çäîðîâüå
êîììóíèêàáåëüíàÿ,äîáðîæåëàòåëüíàÿ, ãîñòåïðèèìíàÿ, ëþáëþ æèâîòíûõ è ïðèðîäó
Looking for: Îòâåòñòâåííûé, äîáðûé, ÷åñòíûé,èíòåëëåêòóàë,îáùèòåëüíûé, íå æàäíûé..
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Meeting new people is easy. Meeting
soulmates can be difficult
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 155 lb
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