Women looking for men free, Russia
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| 60 |
| Pisces |
| 5'3" |
| 111 lb |
| Green Brown | |
Important: harmony I am a positive person, who love
people with beautiful soul... and sensitive to the Beauty
, Looking for: I would like to have a wise friend
with young heart and who love active Life and beauty
Êàòåðèíà at free online dating site For interesting and pleasant communication
| 66 |
| Aries |
| 5'1.8" |
| 124 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: ïîðÿäî÷íîñòü æèâó â ðåàëüíîñòè Ëþáëþ
ïîðÿäîê âî âñåì, òðóäîãîëèê, îáùèòåëüíà. Ëþáëþ ïóòåøåñòâîâàòü, íî
íå âñåãäà âîçìîæíî. È âîîáùå î ñåáå ãîâîðèòü íå
ïîëó÷àåòñÿ. Looking for: ×èñòîïëîòíûé, íå ïîëíûé, íå
íèçêèé. Ïðîñòî ïîðÿäî÷íûé, äîáðûé ÷åëîâåê äëÿ îáùåíèÿ è äðóæáû.
Elvira at free online dating site I`m tender, kind-hearted, reliable woman and...
| 62 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'3" |
| 128 lb |
| Hazel | |
I am kind, steady, sweetheart, charming, slender, attractive,
sociable, cheerful, attentive, punctual, can listen and hear, can
keep up the conversati... Looking for: I would like to
find kind, well-brought-up, steady, positive, healthy spiritually
and physically, fully confident in life, strong-willed man who can
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| 64 |
| Aries |
| 5'4.6" |
| 133 lb |
| Gray | |
I am Nataly Gren. I found you on the site and decided to write you
a message, may be you will answer. I live in Kazan, Russia. It is a
city of 1,5 mil... Looking for: I believe in love and
want to meet romantic, social, honest, kind and confident man to be
in fantastic love with and to do everything together: travel...
Ðàå÷êà at free online dating site I hope to meet you!!!
| 68 |
| Pisces |
| 5'1.8" |
| 137 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: íàéòè ëþáèìóþ ïîëîâèíêó õî÷ó ñòàòü
ñ÷àñòëèâîé!!!! ß çàáîòëèâàÿ, èñêðåííÿÿ, âåðíàÿ, äîáðàÿ, â ìåðó
ðîìàíòè÷íàÿ Looking for: õîòåëîñü áû âñòðåòèòü ëþáèìîãî
÷åëîâåêà, êîòîðûé áû îáëàäàë áû ðÿäîì êà÷åñòâ, êîòîðûå ÿ öåíþ â
ìóæ÷èíå è ìû ìîãëè áû ðàçäåëèòü èíòåðåñû, ìîðàëüíûå è æ...
Galina at free online dating site
| 63 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'5" |
| 155 lb |
| Hazel | |
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| 65 |
| Virgio |
| 5'4.2" |
| 151 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
ðàáîòà/work Íåæíàÿ,ëàñêîâàÿ,îáàÿòåëüíàÿ,ñåêñóàëüíàÿ. Looki
ng for: Óñïåøíûé,áîãàòûé,çäîðîâûé Ãîñïîäèí.Êîðîëåâà èùåò ñâîåãî
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| 65 |
| Aries |
| 5'6.1" |
| 173 lb |
| Blue | |
I’m kind and tolerant. My heart is full of love to nature and
music. I like traveling , cooking, gardening. I am family-oriented.
I have an optimistic... Looking for: He must be honest
and optimistic and he also must be a kalm person. I would gladly
share his interests and expect the same from his side.
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| 63 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'5.4" |
| 188 lb |
| Blue Green | |
Important: Ñåìåéíîå áëàãîïîëó÷èå. Óþò è çàáîòà. Ñåìåéíàÿ
èäèëëèÿ. Ëþáëþ ðèñîâàòü, ïèñàòü ñòèõè Looking for:
×òî-áû áûë ÷åñòíûì è ïîðÿäî÷íûì
Îëüãà at free online dating site Similar thoughts create friendship
| 66 |
| Aries |
| 5'6.9" |
| 162 lb |
| Green Brown | |
Important: çäîðîâüå Íàäåþñü âñòðåòèòü ìóæ÷èíó, ñ êîòîðûì
áóäó ñ÷àñòëèâà. Looking for: Âû âåñåëûé, ýíåðãè÷íûé,
óðàâíîâåøåíûé è ñàìîäîñòàòî÷íûé ìóæ÷èíà.
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| 68 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'4.6" |
| 131 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: Family,job
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| 63 |
| Aries |
| 5'6.9" |
| 188 lb |
| Green | |
Ëþäìèëà at free online dating site I am looking for someone really serious, kind and with positive life attitude!
| 69 |
| Cancer |
| 5'4.6" |
| 155 lb |
| Gray | |
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| 68 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'4.2" |
| 166 lb |
| Brown | |
Important: The smart, delicate, attractive, well educated
lady ... I dream about large and bright love... The smart,
delicate, attractive, well educated lady with good sense of
humor. Sun shine mood in any weather-is my motto. Ive small
business, in
sp... Looking for: I dream about large and bright love! I
dream to find a clever, honest, reliable husband, oriented to
family, which wants to have the wonderful faithfu...
Inna at free online dating site Alone heart
| 60 |
| Leo |
| 5'5.7" |
| 162 lb |
| Brown | |
Important: family life family life I am serious and
honest woman.
I do not play any games. Looking for: I would like to
mneet a serious, honest, kind, oriented on the family life mna.
Timofeikina at free online dating site Kind-hearted, honest, cheerful and...
| 65 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'5.7" |
| 144 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: ÷òîáû æèâû áûëè ìîè áëèçêèå âûðàñòèòü äî÷êó
äîñòîéíûì ÷åëîâåêîì ß ìîãó óâèäåòü ìóæ÷èíó è , åñëè îí ìíå
ïîíðàâèëñÿ, ãèïíîòè÷åñêè îáàÿòü åãî, ÷òîáû îí ïî÷òè âëþáèëñÿ â ìåíÿ
è çàõîòåë ñ ñèëüíûì ÷óâñòâîì Looking for: Ýòî äîëæåí áûòü
óìíûé, ÷óâñòâóþùèé ÷åëîâåê, âèäÿùèé ìåíÿ íàñêâîçü. ×òî ÿ õî÷ó.
Êîãäà. È ñêîëüêî
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| 68 |
| Taurus |
| 5'5" |
| 155 lb |
| Gray | |
Important: Family life the good kind husband I look on
life seriously/ I do not play any games. Looking for: I
look for a serious, kind, optimistical, hones man 50-65 y.o.
He is not smoking!
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| 62 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'8.5" |
| 168 lb |
| Brown | |
Îëüãà at free online dating site I will meet like-minded people
| 62 |
| Pisces |
| 5'3" |
| 177 lb |
| Green Gray | |
Looking for: Ìóæ÷èíó.Èíòåðåñíîãî. Îáåñïå÷åííîãî.
Èðèíà/ Irina at free online dating site I am looking for someone really serious, kind and with positive life attitude!
| 62 |
| Taurus |
| 5'2.2" |
| 122 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: Äóøåâíîå ðàâíîâåñèå,ñåìüÿ,âåðà â Áîãà Ëþáèòü
èñêðåííî è áûòü ëþáèìîé Îáûêíîâåííàÿ æåíùèíà,äîáðîæåëàòåëüíàÿ,ñ
÷óâñòâîì þìîðà,ðàçâèâàþ è ïîääåðæèâàþ ïîçèòèâíîå ìûøëåíèå,âåðþ â
Áîãà êàê â Ãîñïîäà è Ñïàñèòåëÿ Looking for: Õî÷ó
âñòðåòèòü ìóæ÷èíó ñâîáîäíîãî,èíòåðåñíîãî,óìíîãî,ñ ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà,ñ
ëåãêèì õàðàêòåðîì,âåðóþùåãî â Áîãà,ñ ïîçèòèâíûì ìûøëåíèåì
âåðà at free online dating site To be or not to be?..
| 61 |
| Taurus |
| 5'5" |
| 166 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
Important: ðàáîòà è ëþáîâü áëèçêèõ íàïèñàòü
ðîìàí ðóññêàÿ êðàñàâèöà â ñòèëå êóñòîäèåâà Looking
for: ñðåäíåãî è âûøå ñðåäíåãî ðîñòà, îáðàçîâàíèå âûñøåå,
ñèëüíûé õàðàêòåð.
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| 63 |
| Cancer |
| 5'6.9" |
| 166 lb |
| Gray | |
Øàðèôà at free online dating site You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream
| 65 |
| Taurus |
| 5'0.2" |
| 151 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: Ñåìåéíîå áëàãîïîëó÷èå ß ìå÷òàþ î ñâîåì äîìå/I
dream of the house Íåïîâòîðèìàÿ, îáàÿòåëüíàÿ, ïðèâëåêàòåëüíàÿ,
äîáðàÿ, ìÿãêàÿ è ïóøèñòàÿ æåíùèíà, ëþáÿùàÿ ñåìåéíûé óþò è äîìàøíèé
î÷àã. Î÷åíü ëþáëþ âêóñíî ãîòîâèòü/The u... Looking for:
Äîáðîãî, ÷óòêîãî è îòçûâ÷èâîãî ÷åëîâåêà, ëþáàùåãî äîìàøíèé
î÷àã!/The kind, sensitive and sympathetic person, ëþáàùåãî a
Lili at free online dating site I need a man to show me how a woman deserves to be treated
| 67 |
| Aries |
| 5'3.8" |
| 177 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: ñ÷àñòüå è çäîðîâüå ìîèõ äåòåé õî÷ó èìåòü ñâîé
Lyubov at free online dating site I love to love
| 61 |
| Pisces |
| 5'6.1" |
| 155 lb |
| Blue Green | |
Important: health,love,happiness,friendship to meet my
right partner I am talkative but like keeping silence and listen
to a person, I am a good listener.I like dreaming but I like doing
as well.
The world needs dreame... Looking for: Just follow your
desire, don't keep yourself in a cage, you needn't any age to live,
to love and to admire!
Elena at free online dating site Alone heart
| 60 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'6.9" |
| 195 lb |
| Gray | |
Kyudmila at free online dating site I am optimistic, cheerful, romantic and...
| 63 |
| Gemini |
| 5'1" |
| 144 lb |
| Green | |
Important: when I became a Christian to love
someone easy-going,honest and attractive,sometimes a little
shy Looking for: Honest and kind Christian
Natalia at free online dating site Kind-hearted, honest, cheerful and...
| 64 |
| Libra |
| 5'2.6" |
| 166 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
Important: Ëþáîâü, óâàæåíèå, äîâåðèå áëèçêèõ î÷åíü
Tamara56 at free online dating site I am looking for someone really serious, kind and with positive life attitude!
| 66 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'5" |
| 155 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: Ñåìüÿ, ðàáîòà Âûéòè çàìóæ Ìíå 51 ãîä ÿ
ïðèâëåêàòåëüíàÿ â äóøå ìíå âñåãî 18 Looking for:
Ïîðÿäî÷íîãî, äîáðîãî, âíèìàòåëüíîãî
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| 66 |
| Leo |
| 5'6.9" |
| 166 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: To create happy family To live on coast of
lake with the favourite person Charming, active, true, fair,
perfectly I prepare. I love the nature, animals. Looking
for: True, betraid, fair, with the sense of humour, able to
forgive to the woman its small weaknesses.