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Local personals, Estonia

Local personals Estonia means you can find people near you by location. Meeting Land offers a variety of free services for local personals.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
 108 lb
   Pisces women, Jenny from Narva
nikolai' online personals photo
 133 lb
Important: semja
naiti svoju ljubimuju
   Pisces men, niko from Tartu
 155 lb
 Green Gray
   Leo women, toomsaluh from Tartu
Clever and beautiful woman
 133 lb
About my temper?Various:sometimes merry,sometimes shy,sometimes tender,sometimes obstinent,but allways curious,with sence of humor(I hope :) and toler...
Looking for: If you have the intellect write me!
   International pen pals - carry from Tallinn
Never say never
manjunja' online personals photo
 155 lb
 Blue Gray
   Christian pen pals - manjunja from Tallinn
katja8151' online personals photo
 135 lb
   Gemini women, katja8151 from Tallinn
Lina' online personals photo
 126 lb
Important: Home, family, proffesion
I am single woman with young dauther. We live in estonia. I like very mutch nature, animals an i like draw them. Also like music, hunting and fishing....
Looking for: I´d like to meet man from Norway, Island, denmark, holland or germany because i have an very interesting idee for starting family business. I speak en...
   Looking for single women - salafail from Tallinn
 122 lb
   Looking for love - aleksss from Tallinn
Passionate and reliable woman!
 175 lb
   Scorpio men, ChrisBerg from Tallinn
 133 lb
Important: stability...
good happy family
   Capricorn women, serafima from Tallinn
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 155 lb
   Tennis singles - katsai from Tallinn
 200 lb
   Leo men, sergei from Narva
 224 lb
 Blue Gray
   Women looking for men - Zensha from Tallinn
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
ÀËÅÊÑÅÉ' online personals photo
 166 lb
Important: ÄÐÓÆÁÀ
   Looking for love - aleksei80ee from Kohtla-Jarve
Reliable friend and passionate lover
 131 lb
   Looking for love - abys from Tartu
Lana' online personals photo
 120 lb
Lana' online personals photo 2  
Important: ljubov
ljubit ,byt ljubimoj, puteshestvovat, uchitsja
ja energichnyj chelovek i verju chto v zizni vse mechty sbyvajutsja. Nuzno tolko pomnit ob etom i mechtat. Ja ljublju sebja i poetomu otnoshus ko vse...
Looking for: Sportivnyj, zelajustsij sozdat semju i imet detej.Smelyj, otvetstvennyj, uravnoveshennyj.Dlja kotorogo v prioritete ljubov ,semja i zdorovje , svoje i...
   Fitness singles - Lana from Tallinn