Free dating personals, men from Spain
Discover Spain free dating personals with MeetingLand: free join, free search and free correspondence with other personals of the dating site. Men.
Independent, easy-going, tidy...
| 57 |
| Virgio |
| 5'11.3" |
| 168 lb |
| Green Brown | |
Important: People I love To visit another planet Slim,
tall, artistic and humorous creature. Wowww I won't describe
myself! It could be too much. I'm vegetarian, I love music,
travelling... I love to... Looking for: I love
free-spirit females. Would love to meet a sensible, humorous,
open-minded female that love travelling, computers, music,
health-food and free-t...
Be with me honest...
Important: Family A simple life When people meet me
they believe I'm very serious, but they are wrong. It is a shell
most of times to understand the other's intentions. I'm honest,
n... Looking for: Basically, I admire independence. Good
sense of humor and willing to laugh. I like women who are fair but
in order to fall in love with her there is o...
| 57 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'7.3" |
| 151 lb |
| Brown | |
Important: Friendship, coherence, poetry, humour, nature &
environment, free thinking, traveling Two parallel lifes: one of
a wanderer and one of a family man I'm afraid I can't find
anything too original about me. Just a man like any other, more
superficial than what I'm ready to admit, passionate and
emoti... Looking for: I appreciate coherence, free
thinking and common sense over all things, but I always happen to
fall in love with women who are just the opposite; so, ...