Free singles personals, women from Russia
Free singles personals Russia web site where you can free of any charge place a profile and contact other single personals for free. Women.
All love is sweet
| 48 |
| Gemini |
| 5'5" |
| 124 lb |
| Brown | |
много ищу
создания... L
ooking for: не
пьющий и не
Clever and beautiful woman
| 49 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'10.9" |
| 93 lb |
| Green Brown | |
девчен... Looking
for: сильный
85;ый оч&...
Looking for new feelings... :-)
| 45 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'5" |
| 155 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
Important: a family humorous, sociable,
independent Looking for: responsible, a decent and
| 48 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'3.8" |
| 131 lb |
| Brown | |
I`d like to be charmed with you!
| 46 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'4.2" |
| 151 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
Important: my famaly I dream of a cottage by the sea or
river, near the forest, be close to nature.Where ñîld
rest′ I am calm, kindhearted, honest, attractive,
romantic, easy-going. kind, affectionate, hard-working, sociable,
intelligent, cheerful, friendly, s..y, t... Looking for:
I would like to meet a man ,who is 45-51 old. he should be
reliable,kind,supoortive,dood--hear ted,affectionate,popuseful,
could support in a difficul...
| 45 |
| Virgio |
| 5'5.7" |
| 186 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
I hope to meet you!!!
| 54 |
| Pisces |
| 4'11.8" |
| 133 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: ëþáîâü, ÷åñòíîñòü ïóòåøåñòâèÿ ïî âñåìó
ìèðó ß âíèìàòåëüíàÿ, äîáðàÿ, íåæíàÿ. Ëþáëþ ÷èòàòü,
ïóòåøåñòâîâàòü, çíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ íîâûìè ëþäüìè. Looking for:
óìíàÿ, èíòåðåñíàÿ, ïðèâåëåêàòåëüíàÿ, ëþáèò þìîð, ïóòåøåñòâèÿ.
I am looking for someone really serious, kind and with positive life attitude!
| 48 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'5" |
| 126 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: Health, family values I want at last to meet
the man of my dream and to create strong family with general
children I kind, sincere. I like travel. I love a domestic
cosiness, I like to prepare. The affliction is I can not meet my
love (man) to create strong family.... Looking for: I
search sincere, kind for the man, wishing to create family, to have
general children. I want, that the man had favourite work, or
business and an op...
I am looking for someone really serious, kind and with positive life attitude!
| 45 |
| Libra |
| 5'5.7" |
| 122 lb |
| Green Gray | |
I am open, romantic, kind, very gentle, honest sincere, positive
have a good balanced character, I am very friendly and tolerant
towards other people,... Looking for: I am looking for
kind , open, positive caring gentleman for serious relationships
30-42 aged, single, without children, honest, sincere faithful,
I want to discover myself in your heart
| 45 |
| Pisces |
| 5'5" |
| 177 lb |
| Blue Gray | |
Important: æèçíü íàéòè ñâîþ ïîëîâèíó
| 45 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'9.3" |
| 155 lb |
| Brown | |
Important: óâåðåííîñòü â çàâòðåøíåì äíå ñ÷àñòüå ß
A unique person
| 46 |
| Sagittarius |
| 5'6.1" |
| 122 lb |
| Hazel | |
Important: Èñêðåííÿÿ. ïðåäàííàÿ ëþáîâü ñîçäàòü õîðîøóþ
ñåìüþ Ìîæåò áûòü ýòî ïîêàæåòüñÿ ñòðàííûì â íàøå âðåìÿ, íî ÿ
ñëèøêîì äîáðàÿ è äîâåð÷èâàÿ. Ïî íàöèîíàëüíîñòè ÿ ãðóçèíêà ñ
âîñòî÷íûì, ñòðàñòíûì òåìïåðàìåíòîì, ... Looking for:
Ãëàâíîå, ÷òîáû áûë ÷åëîâåêîì. Ðîñò íå ìåíåå 180 ñì., ñïîðòèâíîãî
òåëîñëîæåíèÿ, ÷èñòîïëîòíûé, ñ õîðîøèìè ñåêñóàëüíûìè
ñïîñîáíîñòÿìè.Âîçðàñòîì îò26 äî 3...
| 52 |
| Pisces |
| 5'7.3" |
| 140 lb |
| Brown | |
i'm a good kind sweet s..y carefull woman Looking for:
my ideal partner is a real man with good kind carefull character,
not greedy
| 47 |
| Cancer |
| 5'4.6" |
| 133 lb |
| Green | |
I am looking for someone really serious, kind and with positive life attitude!
| 51 |
| Libra |
| 5'4.6" |
| 128 lb |
| Blue | |
ß ýêñòðàâåðò,ëþáëþ âñå ïîçèòèâíîå,óìåþ ðàäîâàòüñÿ
æèçíè Looking for: Õî÷ó âñòðåòèòü íàñòîÿùåãî Ìóæ÷èíó
I hope to meet you!!!
| 45 |
| Cancer |
| 5'5" |
| 135 lb |
| Blue | |
Be with me honest...
| 48 |
| Gemini |
| 5'8.5" |
| 115 lb |
| Blue | |
I'm serious,
responsible, honest, faithful, my friends say that I'm very
romantic, sometimes calm sometimes excitable, friendly,
communica... Looking for: I am looking for the man
to share my life with, although looking at my picture you must be
I can't be single. I am looking for the real lov...
I hope to meet you!!!
| 48 |
| Libra |
| 5'6.9" |
| 146 lb |
| Green Brown | |
I am optimistic, cheerful, romantic and...
| 45 |
| Libra |
| 5'5.7" |
| 115 lb |
| Blue | |
have very positive attitude to life and people. I do enjoy new
experience life can offer me: to see new interesting places, to
meet new people.
I do...
Perhaps I`m the woman you have searched for all your life?
| 47 |
| Libra |
| 5'8.1" |
| 131 lb |
| Green | |
Young, beautiful and very romantic girl who wants to find the
second half on all life.
If you also are lonely and want to find the worthy woman, I
s... Looking for: Mature, independent the man of average
years. Loving, careful, gentle, tactful.
Without bent for to alcoholic drinks and drugs. That he was a
For the first time!
| 47 |
| Libra |
| 5'3.8" |
| 113 lb |
| Hazel | |
ideal woman :-)
Be with me honest...
| 46 |
| Gemini |
| 5'6.1" |
| 124 lb |
| Brown | |
Important: Children, family, job. to establish my
business All information I'll give later Looking for:
pretty, smart, cheerful and kind.
I want to discover myself in your heart
| 52 |
| Virgio |
| 5'8.1" |
| 111 lb |
| Brown | |
èðîíè÷íàÿ, ñ ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà Looking for: óìíîãî,
íàäåæíîãî, ñ ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà
Alone heart
| 45 |
| Aquarius |
| 5'6.1" |
| 120 lb |
| Green | |
My name is Natalya.
I live in small city, which name Zvenigovo.
I love walks at the moon. I very much like swimming.
I well prepare for food and ve... Looking for: My ideal
the man:
1. Earns money.
2. cook.
3. To love his wife.
4. Clever.
5. Loves children.
6. Gives gifts.
I`m your future
| 46 |
| Taurus |
| 5'7.3" |
| 124 lb |
| Green | |
Important: Happiness Or to be happy To find a unique
man Hello!!!! My name is Nastya!!!! I'm 29 years old!!! I live
in Russia in city of Omsk!!!! I registered on this site because I
want to find the man who ... Looking for: To find a
unique man
ONLY for serious relationship
| 49 |
| Leo |
| 5'6.1" |
| 177 lb |
| Green | |
Important: Ñåìüÿ/Familie ðåáåíîê/Kind
I hope to meet you!!!
| 45 |
| Virgio |
| 5'6.1" |
| 120 lb |
| Blue | |
| 46 |
| Libra |
| 5'3.8" |
| 104 lb |
| Hazel | |
| 53 |
| Gemini |
| 5'4.6" |
| 133 lb |
| Blue | |
Important: Lover MAN LOVE! I love nature, pets,
culture, movies, music, romantic walks with beloved man, evenings
with candle light, beautiful s.. with my beloved man...During
m... Looking for: I need a strong and caring man, who
would be kind and understanding. I could be very tender to him. I
am looking for a man I could love.
Similar thoughts create friendship
| 47 |
| Pisces |
| 5'6.1" |
| 111 lb |
| Green Gray | |
Important: áûòü õîðîøèì ÷åëîâåêîì âñòðåòèòü ñâîþ
ïîëîâèíêó Äîáðàÿ, óìíàÿ, âåñåëàÿ, ñåðüåçíàÿ,
ñèìïàòè÷íàÿ Looking for: Äîáðîãî, óìíîãî, ñ ÷óâñòâîì
þìîðà, ñèìïàòè÷íîãî, ïîðÿäî÷íîãî, õîðîøåãî ÷åëîâåêà