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Free singles personals, women from Russia

Free singles personals Russia web site where you can free of any charge place a profile and contact other single personals for free. Women.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
All love is sweet
ekaterrr' online personals photo
 124 lb
Important: честность
ищу мужчину для создания...
L ooking for: не пьющий и не курящий
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Clever and beautiful woman
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 93 lb
 Green Brown
привлекат 77;льная девчен&#...
Looking for: сильный мужествен 85;ый оч&...
   Women looking for men - lile4ka7773 from Belgorod
Looking for new feelings... :-)
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 155 lb
 Blue Gray
Important: a family
humorous, sociable, independent
Looking for: responsible, a decent and easy-going
   Sagittarius women, Elena from Irkutsk
Oks_yes' online personals photo
 131 lb
   Russian women - Oks_yes from Novosibirsk
I`d like to be charmed with you!
Elena' online personals photo
 151 lb
 Blue Gray
Elena' online personals photo 2  
Important: my famaly
I dream of a cottage by the sea or river, near the forest, be close to nature.Where ñîld rest′
I am calm, kindhearted, honest, attractive, romantic, easy-going. kind, affectionate, hard-working, sociable, intelligent, cheerful, friendly, s..y, t...
Looking for: I would like to meet a man ,who is 45-51 old. he should be reliable,kind,supoortive,dood--hear ted,affectionate,popuseful, could support in a difficul...
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 186 lb
 Blue Gray
   Virgo women, veronika15 from Cheboksary
I hope to meet you!!!
Alex' online personals photo
 133 lb
Alex' online personals photo 2  
Important: ëþáîâü, ÷åñòíîñòü
ïóòåøåñòâèÿ ïî âñåìó ìèðó
ß âíèìàòåëüíàÿ, äîáðàÿ, íåæíàÿ. Ëþáëþ ÷èòàòü, ïóòåøåñòâîâàòü, çíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ íîâûìè ëþäüìè.
Looking for: óìíàÿ, èíòåðåñíàÿ, ïðèâåëåêàòåëüíàÿ, ëþáèò þìîð, ïóòåøåñòâèÿ.
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I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
Yulya' online personals photo
 126 lb
Yulya' online personals photo 2  
Important: Health, family values
I want at last to meet the man of my dream and to create strong family with general children
I kind, sincere. I like travel. I love a domestic cosiness, I like to prepare. The affliction is I can not meet my love (man) to create strong family....
Looking for: I search sincere, kind for the man, wishing to create family, to have general children. I want, that the man had favourite work, or business and an op...
   Women looking for men - Yulya from Tula
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
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 122 lb
 Green Gray
Elena' online personals photo 2  
I am open, romantic, kind, very gentle, honest sincere, positive have a good balanced character, I am very friendly and tolerant towards other people,...
Looking for: I am looking for kind , open, positive caring gentleman for serious relationships 30-42 aged, single, without children, honest, sincere faithful, inte...
   Looking for a husband - vezunchik from Izhevsk
I want to discover myself in your heart
 177 lb
 Blue Gray
Important: æèçíü
íàéòè ñâîþ ïîëîâèíó
   Pisces women, Anarchay from Kemerovo
 155 lb
Important: óâåðåííîñòü â çàâòðåøíåì äíå
ß îáûêíîâåííàÿ
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A unique person
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Important: Èñêðåííÿÿ. ïðåäàííàÿ ëþáîâü
ñîçäàòü õîðîøóþ ñåìüþ
Ìîæåò áûòü ýòî ïîêàæåòüñÿ ñòðàííûì â íàøå âðåìÿ, íî ÿ ñëèøêîì äîáðàÿ è äîâåð÷èâàÿ. Ïî íàöèîíàëüíîñòè ÿ ãðóçèíêà ñ âîñòî÷íûì, ñòðàñòíûì òåìïåðàìåíòîì, ...
Looking for: Ãëàâíîå, ÷òîáû áûë ÷åëîâåêîì. Ðîñò íå ìåíåå 180 ñì., ñïîðòèâíîãî òåëîñëîæåíèÿ, ÷èñòîïëîòíûé, ñ õîðîøèìè ñåêñóàëüíûìè ñïîñîáíîñòÿìè.Âîçðàñòîì îò26 äî 3...
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anna777' online personals photo
 140 lb
i'm a good kind sweet s..y carefull woman
Looking for: my ideal partner is a real man with good kind carefull character, not greedy
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 133 lb
   Cancer women, Alisa1975 from Volgograd
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 128 lb
ß ýêñòðàâåðò,ëþáëþ âñå ïîçèòèâíîå,óìåþ ðàäîâàòüñÿ æèçíè
Looking for: Õî÷ó âñòðåòèòü íàñòîÿùåãî Ìóæ÷èíó
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I hope to meet you!!!
Katya' online personals photo
 135 lb
   Tennis singles - Kattak25 from Cheboksary
Be with me honest...
Olga' online personals photo
 115 lb
I'm serious, responsible, honest, faithful, my friends say that I'm very kind, romantic, sometimes calm sometimes excitable, friendly, communica...
Looking for: I am looking for the man to share my life with, although looking at my picture you must be thinking I can't be single. I am looking for the real lov...
   Looking for - Olga1096 from Cheboksary
I hope to meet you!!!
Holly' online personals photo
 146 lb
 Green Brown
   Fitness singles - Holly from Perm
I am optimistic, cheerful, romantic and...
Margarita' online personals photo
 115 lb
have very positive attitude to life and people. I do enjoy new experience life can offer me: to see new interesting places, to meet new people. I do...
   Looking for romance - Margaret1977 from Moscow
Perhaps I`m the woman you have
searched for all your life?
Îëåñÿ' online personals photo
 131 lb
Young, beautiful and very romantic girl who wants to find the second half on all life. If you also are lonely and want to find the worthy woman, I s...
Looking for: Mature, independent the man of average years. Loving, careful, gentle, tactful. Without bent for to alcoholic drinks and drugs. That he was a support...
   Girls looking for guys - Olesya from Tomsk
For the first time!
Lina' online personals photo
 113 lb
Lina' online personals photo 2  
ideal woman :-)
   Libra women, Lina from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Be with me honest...
 124 lb
Important: Children, family, job.
to establish my business
All information I'll give later
Looking for: pretty, smart, cheerful and kind.
   Fitness singles - Janna from Kirov
I want to discover myself in your heart
 111 lb
èðîíè÷íàÿ, ñ ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà
Looking for: óìíîãî, íàäåæíîãî, ñ ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà
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Alone heart
Natalya' online personals photo
 120 lb
My name is Natalya. I live in small city, which name Zvenigovo. I love walks at the moon. I very much like swimming. I well prepare for food and ve...
Looking for: My ideal the man: 1. Earns money. 2. cook. 3. To love his wife. 4. Clever. 5. Loves children. 6. Gives gifts.
   Looking for a wife - Natalya_Ul from Zlatoust
I`m your future
Anastasia' online personals photo
 124 lb
Anastasia' online personals photo 2  
Important: Happiness Or to be happy
To find a unique man
Hello!!!! My name is Nastya!!!! I'm 29 years old!!! I live in Russia in city of Omsk!!!! I registered on this site because I want to find the man who ...
Looking for: To find a unique man
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ONLY for serious relationship
 177 lb
Important: Ñåìüÿ/Familie
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I hope to meet you!!!
Natalia' online personals photo
 120 lb
   Virgo women, Atali from Yoshkar-Ola
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 104 lb
   Free singles personals - Irin from Saratov
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 133 lb
Ena' online personals photo 2  
Important: Lover MAN
I love nature, pets, culture, movies, music, romantic walks with beloved man, evenings with candle light, beautiful s.. with my beloved man...During m...
Looking for: I need a strong and caring man, who would be kind and understanding. I could be very tender to him. I am looking for a man I could love.
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Similar thoughts create friendship
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 111 lb
 Green Gray
Important: áûòü õîðîøèì ÷åëîâåêîì
âñòðåòèòü ñâîþ ïîëîâèíêó
Äîáðàÿ, óìíàÿ, âåñåëàÿ, ñåðüåçíàÿ, ñèìïàòè÷íàÿ
Looking for: Äîáðîãî, óìíîãî, ñ ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà, ñèìïàòè÷íîãî, ïîðÿäî÷íîãî, õîðîøåãî ÷åëîâåêà
   Women looking for men - Natasha from Moscow

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