Fitness singles, women from Kazakhstan
Meet fitness singles free of any charge at our web site. Here you will find a complete description of interests and personality of fitness singles. Women from Kazakhstan.
| 45 |
| Taurus |
| 5'5" |
| 153 lb |
| Brown | |
Important: work, parents and true friends to have beloved
one and be happy with him and our children
Brave, strong, and self-sufficient man!
| 44 |
| Capricorn |
| 4'11.8" |
| 128 lb |
| Black | |
Important: Value of LOve and respect To succeed in my
carreer Hello People,
I am a feminine and adventurous woman looking for the man with whom
I will be able to realize all my dreams and desires. I have so
many... Looking for: Trusted, respected even not
handsome .. he must know the TLC.......:-) I hate coward..
cheater & lier
Where are you, my beloved one?
| 38 |
| Aries |
| 5'7.3" |
| 117 lb |
| Green | |
Important: Family Be loved and i will give all my love
for my lover! I the cheerful attractive woman in all plans of
this word, like to go to the cinema to go on the nature but only it
would be desirable together with t... Looking for: I the
beautiful clever woman with cheerful character would be desirable
to find the same type but only the man!
Where are you, my beloved one?
| 33 |
| Aries |
| 5'6.5" |
| 133 lb |
| Black | |
Important: Family LOVE...S.....AND MAGIC Im Beauty
Kazkah Girl, who want a found good and Loyal man for every base in
the Life.
My english not perfect, but i try to learn more...
I love Li... Looking for: Loyal, True, and sweet like a
I know i Will Found him....
I am looking for someone really serious, kind and with positive life attitude!
| 43 |
| Capricorn |
| 5'4.2" |
| 140 lb |
| Brown | |
Important: ñåìüÿ ñòàòü ñ÷àñòëèâîé Looking for:
óìíûé, äîáðûé, ñèìïàòè÷íûé
I`m tender, kind-hearted, reliable woman and...
| 48 |
| Taurus |
| 5'4.2" |
| 151 lb |
| Brown | |
Important: áûòü â ëàäó ñàìèì ñîáîé, èìåòü èíòåð-óþ ðàáîòó,
îáùàòüñÿ ñ ðîäíûìè è äðóçüÿìè, ëþáèòü è áûòü ëþáèìîé óëûáàòüñÿ
æèçíè íåñìîòðÿ íå íà ÷òî ëþáëþ îáùàòüñÿ, âíèìàòåëüíûé ñëóøàòåëü,
îòçûâ÷èâà, ñ óäîâîëüñòâèåì óñòðàèâàþ ðîìàíòè÷åñêîå íàñòðîåíèå.
Ñ÷èòàþ ñåáÿ ñèìïàòè÷íîé(êàê è îêðóæàþùèå),ðà... Looking
for:  ëþäÿõ öåíþ ÷åñòíîñòü, ïîðÿäî÷íîñòü è áëàãîðîäñòâî.
Äóìàþ, ëþäè óâëå÷åíûå ñïîðòîì è òàíöàìè, ïîõîäàìè â ãîðû áóäóò ìíå
î÷åíü èíòåðåñíû.
I need a man to show me how a woman deserves to be treated
| 58 |
| Pisces |
| 5'2.2" |
| 133 lb |
| Brown | |
Important: ñåìåéíîå áëàãîïîëó÷èå æåëàþ âñåì çäîðîâüÿ è
äîëãîëåòèÿ âåñåëàÿ, îáùèòåëüíàÿ, âíèìàòåëüíûé ñëóøàòåëü, ãîòîâà
ïðèéòè íà ïîìîùü, ñèìïàòè÷íàÿ íå òîëüêî äëÿ ñåáÿ, íî è äëÿ
îêðóæàþùèõ, îïòèìèñòêà ïî æèçíè Looking for:
æèçíåðàäîñòíûé, îïòèìèñò, ñîñòîÿâøèéñÿ êàê ïðîôåññèîíàë, ùåäðûé,
óâëåêàþùèéñÿ ñïîðòîì, òàíöàìè, ïóòåøåñòâèÿìè, öåíÿùèé ñåìåéíûé
The best and most beautiful things in the world can be only felt with the heart
| 45 |
| Scorpio |
| 5'6.1" |
| 122 lb |
| Green | |
Important: welfare of my parents and friends; believe in
miracles and I try not to lose my hope in life. travelling to
England and Europe My best qualities: patience, kindness. I
always believe and trust people, even sometimes they hurt me. I try
to help them. I believe in miracles and a... Looking for:
I want him to be honest, gentle, kind and romantic, love chieldren
and nature. I prefer non-smoking man. It would be wonderful if he
is a Christian, b...
Looking for a real MAN
| 45 |
| Aries |
| 5'3" |
| 124 lb |
| Green Brown | |
Important: Ñåìåéíîå ñ÷àñòüåFamily happiness Õî÷ó
ïîëíîñòüþ ðåàëèçîâàòü ñåáÿ â æèçíè.I want to realize completely
myself in a life ß âåñåëûé è èíòåðåñòíûé ÷åëîâåê. Ðàáîòàþ.Ó÷óñü
â èíñòèòóòå íà ýêîíîìèñòà.Ëþáëþ êîòîâ.Ëþáëþ åçäèòü íà òóðñëåòû.
I cheerful and interesting the person....
| 54 |
| Aries |
| 5'6.1" |
| 133 lb |
| Brown | |
Important: ìíîãî
| 38 |
| Taurus |
| 5'6.5" |
| 124 lb |
| Blue Green | |
Important: äîñòàòîê Îêàçàòüñÿ ñ ëþáèìûì ÷åëîâåêîì íà
íåîáèòàåìîì îñòðîâå Ïðèâåòèêè!!! ß - Èðèíà, ìíå 20 ëåò,
íàòóðàëüíàÿ áëîíäèíêà, ãëàçà çåëåíûå, ó÷óñü
â þðèäè÷åñêîì Óíèâåðñèòåòå, íó, ÷òî åùå ìîæíî ñêàçàòü î ñåáå.....
Ëó... Looking for: Îí äîëæåí áûòü ïðèâëåêàòåëüíûì,
äîáðûì, ùåäðûì, ñ ÷óâñòâîì þìîðà, ñïîðòèâíîãî òåëîñëîæåíèÿ,
âåñåëûì, æåëàòåëüíî òåìíåíüêèì.
Âîçðàñò îò 21 äî 42, ðîñò...