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Tennis singles, men from Spain

Tennis singles from Spain locally and all over the world gather together at MeetingLand. Men.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
Be with me honest...
faith jonathan' online personals photo
 188 lb
faith jonathan' online personals photo 2  
Important: my wife to be
happily married
You strong and honest person.And well educated.
Looking for: Honest Godfearing.and educated.
   Fitness singles - faith from Gerona
Catch me if you can :-)
 164 lb
I am a spanish guy who lookf for to know new peopole... I am new in the city so... I would like to know someone interesting..
Looking for: Someone interestin, fun and also if I would can schoose a very pretty girl ....
   Scorpio men, alex_juxe from Barcelona
ello' online personals photo
 153 lb
   Leo men, ello from Cadiz
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 160 lb
Important: i like honesty
becoming famous
i am courage .i live in spain,i like working ,giving time to my love,feeling the way she feel,giving her the must happiest things she everthing need o...
Looking for: my ideal is to make sure she does not reget
   Leo men, solucion from Madrid
 164 lb
   Virgo men, thisthend from Las Palmas
Looking for new feelings... :-)
 166 lb
   Fitness singles - Miguel25 from Huelva
Clever and beautiful woman
Naji Demonice' online personals photo
 120 lb
Important: reach my dream
i am who i am
   Tennis singles dating - Demoni from Seville
Alessis' online personals photo
 142 lb
   Virgo men, Alessis from Madrid
Kike' online personals photo
 126 lb
   Tennis singles - caceresboy from Caceres
Attractive and young at heart
 166 lb
   Tennis singles - nazaret89 from Madrid
JJ fourie' online personals photo
 191 lb
 Green Brown
JJ fourie' online personals photo 2  
Important: Friends, music, travel, work, nature,cooking,
To Have a piece of land somewhere beautiful in nature next to the ocean offering guided trips.
I work in tourism, so always with people. I am a sociable person who loves coocking and having dinners. I am a straight up person, I am peaceful and h...
Looking for: I Like a person who is chilled out, natural, good natured with a sence of humor and adventure. I do like dark haired woman, slim or small, maybe a bit...
   Tennis singles - melo from Barcelona
 148 lb
   Tennis singles - crazzyboy from Madrid
diego' online personals photo
 177 lb
diego' online personals photo 2  
   Leo men, diewo from Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Let`s be friends
 186 lb
Important: My family, my friends and me
Live in peace, in love and with good health
I´m a quite man, good person, funny and optimist
Looking for: Good person, loving, with hobbies and enjoy the life
   Tennis singles - Christian from Madrid
 155 lb
   Fitness singles - manu84 from Madrid
For interesting and pleasant communication
Alexander Supertramp' online personals photo
 175 lb
Alexander Supertramp' online personals photo 2  
Important: Music
Rock Star
   Tennis singles - Supertramp from Madrid
I`m the one you need
Rodri' online personals photo
 177 lb
Rodri' online personals photo 2  
Important: Family and friends
Enjoy my life
Hi i´m from Barcelona and i would like to have a relationship, penpal,... I think i´m i nice boy and you´ll prove that! ;)
Looking for: Loyal, nice,...
   Find a penpal - Gao from Barcelona
Fran' online personals photo
 155 lb
Fran' online personals photo 2  
   Tennis singles - frasdasis from Valencia
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
carlos ramos' online personals photo
 171 lb
Important: family and to be happy
I´m a funny guy, who likes going out and socialize with new people. I like to do sports, go to the cinema...
   Fitness singles - carlos from Barcelona
Keep it simple
German' online personals photo
 146 lb
German' online personals photo 2  
Important: There are no unimportant things
my dreams its my treasure
ya optimist,lublyu provodit' vremya v obshestve horoshih ludey,s tonkim chustvom yumora i ya nikogda ne delayu nichego prosto tak...
   Tennis singles - spy_ViTAMiN from Barcelona