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Local personals, men from Yugoslavia

Local personals Yugoslavia means you can find people near you by location. Meeting Land offers a variety of free services for local personals. Men.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
I'm really serious and I want to meet someone to marry
Djuka89' online personals photo
 208 lb
Important: Wife and kids
To be happy and healthy
Hi my name is Djuro stanković I'm from Serbia. Little about me I am firmly standing on my feet and managing my life. I like to read books, watch...
   Tennis singles - Djuka89 from Belgrade
A unique person
milos' online personals photo
 211 lb
   Pisces men, milos from Belgrade
 144 lb
 Green Brown
   Local personals, men from Yugoslavia, Nikola
 157 lb
 Green Brown
Important: Bodybuilding, love, money
to become a professional bodybuilder
Just a guy who can't sedle down, poor and looking for his way out from this hell.
Looking for: My ideal partner is a woman who can understands.
   Looking for - Andyjunior from Belgrade
Catch me if you can :-)
Mirko' online personals photo
 122 lb
Mirko' online personals photo 2  
Interesting, sociable, communicative ....
   Pisces men, Mirkas from Belgrade
Strong, clever and sexual man
Bosko' online personals photo
 211 lb
 Green Brown
Bosko' online personals photo 2  
Important: Love, school, family, friends.
To find the miss perfect...for me...
If anyone have any questions about me, please ask me. I'll answer to them with the great satisfaction.
Looking for: I'll know that when I meet her.
   Tennis singles - Boki from Belgrade
 171 lb
   Looking for love - milosss from Belgrade
 144 lb
   Scorpio men, Naduva from Belgrade
 155 lb
   Looking for love - OdinTheWander from Belgrade
 144 lb
   Leo men, eagle from Belgrade
Would like to restart my life with you
Aleksandar' online personals photo
 146 lb
 Blue Gray
Important: Have Children
1.Determined, exact, emotional, creative, worth, impatient. 2.Only 3.Faculty 4.S.., friends, food, water 5.Betrayer, brawler, enemies... 6.I don'...
Looking for: 1. Beauty, goodness, respect, sincerity, tenderness. 2.It is well. 3.Any. 4.Yes, 18-27. 5.Communicative, worthy...
   Looking for love - superaclj from Belgrade
 151 lb
   Pisces men, Zizi from Podgorica
I am looking for someone really serious,
kind and with positive life attitude!
 168 lb
 Blue Green
   Virgo men, RamaLama from Belgrade
Anis' online personals photo
 184 lb
 Green Brown
Anis' online personals photo 2  
   Scorpio men, zrmi43 from Belgrade
 155 lb
Important: Music
   Local personals, men from Yugoslavia, Marko
All love is sweet
 197 lb
Important: Happines
   Fitness singles - Jovke from Belgrade
Nikola' online personals photo
 197 lb
   Fitness singles - Nidza from Belgrade
Catch me if you can :-)
 162 lb
Important: Friendship
I want to meet some cool people and find some new net friends...
   Tennis singles - LexxSD from Belgrade
Catch me if you can :-)
Aleksandar' online personals photo
 162 lb
Aleksandar' online personals photo 2  
Important: Music is my life....
To be the best MC in the world... :)
I just wanna meet some cool persons for fun....
Looking for: 1.Black hear 2.Black eyes 3................
   Tennis singles - iriscienc from Belgrade