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Local personals, men from Yugoslavia

Local personals Yugoslavia means you can find people near you by location. Meeting Land offers a variety of free services for local personals. Men.

Seeking a   Men    Women
Age:   18-21    18-25    21-28    25-32    28-35    32-40    35-45    40-50    45-55    50-60    60-70    70-80    80-90    91+
Nikola Dobricic' online personals photo
 177 lb
Important: to be happy
   Local personals, men from Yugoslavia, Nikola Dobricic
Honest relationship
 244 lb
Important: friends, family, community, fairness, knowledge
a united and fully equal humanity
I'm a post-graduate student of philosophy, former high school teacher and permanent theoretician and activist. Love films, books, computer games, good...
Looking for: That's always hard to tell and life often surprises you.
   Personals free - FilipSac from Belgrade
Be with me honest...
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 155 lb
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if you want to meet me just send me a message.... :)
   Tennis singles - welibor from Belgrade
 166 lb
 Blue Green
   Tennis singles - Mirko from Belgrade
Youth has no age
 202 lb
Well,im calm person,that really enjoy in its freedom,like to spend my time in sports,movies,fishing and from time to time on some reading...I do enjoy...
Looking for: My ideal partner would be person that is completly opposite of me with exeption of sense for humor.
   Free dating personals - zoki from Belgrade
Catch me if you can :-)
 204 lb
   Scorpio men, Luka from Belgrade
 137 lb
   Local personals, men from Yugoslavia, Nikolo Makijeveli
Follow me...
 177 lb
Important: life it's self
finishin' medicine
   Capricorn men, AwaxtheSerb from Belgrade
Attractive and full of surprises
promys' online personals photo
 164 lb
Interesting... Funny... Communicative... if you want to know more about me- you are welcomed!
Looking for: Just try...
   Scorpio men, promys from Belgrade
All love is sweet
 186 lb
I am amazing, so amazing infact that i cannot fit how amazing i am in only 2000 symbols. So we will just go with im amazing.
   Capricorn men, Stefon from Belgrade
I like to travel
Marko' online personals photo
 191 lb
Important: righteousness
to meet appropriate person
we don't see ourselves objectively
Looking for: my ideal partner must to be normal and compassionate, fashion is substantial, but is not crucial ;)
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Zoran' online personals photo
 162 lb
   Leo men, Zoran from Belgrade
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 200 lb
 Green Brown
   Scorpio men, legionar11 from Belgrade
Conquer my heart
chy' online personals photo
 202 lb
 Green Brown
Important: smile
to find her eyes in the dark
   Aries men, chy from Belgrade
 155 lb
   Fitness singles - klipan from Belgrade
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 168 lb
   Local personals, men from Yugoslavia, dalibor
Zoran' online personals photo
 177 lb
Important: Only love
Im an Angel :)
   Virgo men, ZoranAngel from Belgrade
Strong, clever and sexual man
Milos' online personals photo
 200 lb
Milos' online personals photo 2  
Important: Sport,friends,family
I dont have,I am realistic
1.Traits of character :persistence,vigorous. 2.What are you most proud of?-I finished study 3.What is a major achievement in your life?-Good li...
Looking for: 1. Name the most important 5 character traits you wish this person had?It is not mater. 2.Should this person have similar interests, ...
   Personals free - Miki from Belgrade
Nikola' online personals photo
 197 lb
   Fitness singles - Nidza from Belgrade
Catch me if you can :-)
 162 lb
Important: Friendship
I want to meet some cool people and find some new net friends...
   Tennis singles - LexxSD from Belgrade
Catch me if you can :-)
Aleksandar' online personals photo
 162 lb
Aleksandar' online personals photo 2  
Important: Music is my life....
To be the best MC in the world... :)
I just wanna meet some cool persons for fun....
Looking for: 1.Black hear 2.Black eyes 3................
   Tennis singles - iriscienc from Belgrade
Attractive, stable, independant...
 177 lb
Important: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Looking for: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   Fitness singles - CM from Belgrade
Friendly and Caring
 177 lb
   Capricorn men, Nik16 from Podgorica
I hope to meet you!!!
 153 lb
Important: Freedom
Somone who like travel, music, nature, very join in small things and I like when can see a horizon in people, Also very interest for me is some old c...
Looking for: Mybe:-), someone who have similary interest things, that like sea, ocean, some women which have free soul.
   Personals free - moon from Belgrade
 175 lb
Important: to meet a lot of people
   Scorpio men, Deki from Belgrade
goran' online personals photo
 144 lb
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   Leo men, Goran23 from Belgrade